Find Cheap Holiday Cottages for Families and Groups in Porth

Cheap and Chic Family Cottage Holidays in Porth

Enjoy a cheap or budget holiday in Porth in these self catering cottages, apartments and lodges that sleep 4 or more.

We have listed some of the popular self catering cottages and apartments in Porth in price order for a week's stay. This selection sleeping 4 or more is ideal for families or for a group of friends. Check out the accommodation, availability and book online direct from independent owners and leading holiday operators.

Please note that prices are variable reflecting seasonality and availability. So the price comparisons are based on the cheapest published price during the year which makes them comparable to each other here but for an actual holiday price you should check availability and get the full price for your intended dates.

Start your Cheap Budget Porth Cottage search right here

Cockle Cottage in Porth, Cornwall, South West England

Cockle Cottage, Porth

Budget Self catering in CornwallSouth West England

Cockle Cottage self catering accommodation in Porth, Cornwall sleeps 4. This 2 bedroom Cottage is ideal as a holiday base or for a fun short break and features include: Garden Open Fire/woodburner. It also has Internet access. Cockle Cottage is close to the beach. Activities close by include horse riding fishing. Cockle Cottage does allow pet dogs although this may be limited, so please check direct prior to booking. Prices at Cockle Cottage start from £319 for a weeks stay but this will depend upon length of stay and time of year.... more about a break at Cockle Cottage

Sleeps 4 Close to the Beach Pet friendly Fishing close by Garden Internet WIFI available Free Parking Open fire or wood burner


Cheap Self Catering - why not try a Static Caravan/Mobile Home in Porth?

Our cheap listings above exclude static caravans because they would distort the results simply because they are generally a cheaper form of self catering holiday. The accommodation is still excellent though so if you are looking for a cheaper self catering holiday than shown above, why not check out our Porth caravan holiday selection.


Your Cheap or Budget Porth cottage search

We have 1 cheap cottages, apartments, lodges and bungalows listed in Porth. If these do not meet your requirements please try and widen your search, our suggestions include:



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Find Cottage Holidays

Find Cottage Holidays mission is to promote the very best of the UK and Ireland's wonderful self catering accommodation, whether it be cottages, apartments, lodges, chalets, houses, villas or bungalows. But, it's not just about the cottages, we also try and bring you some helpful guides and information on the places to go, things to see and activities to do while you enjoy your break in England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland. In fact, we are adding to our list daily but if you think we have missed somewhere special tell us via our Facebook page. With wonderful countryside and superb coastlines to explore the UK and Ireland has so much to offer.

Cottage Holiday Favourites