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self catering accommodation in , sleeps . This self catering is a perfect base for your holidays . See more about romantic & Valentine's breaks at

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Refine your Suffolk romantic holiday search

We have 27 romantic holiday cottages, apartments, lodges and bungalows listed in Suffolk. You can refine your search by using the Suffolk Map or by searching by Suffolk town.

Here are some other useful Suffolk self catering holiday searches:

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Romantic Holiday cottages includes what type of accommodation?

As we are called Find Cottage Holidays you are sure to find lots of romantic cottages on this site but that is not all. Our romantic self catering accommodation listings also include apartments, lodges, chalets, bungalows, holiday homes and more!

What is a Romantic break?

So what do we mean by romantic breaks anyway? Well this description tends to be reserved for our cottages that are perfect for couples looking to get away together for a bit of R&R. Often the location itself will be idyllic, with both country and coastal locations with great views and sometimes a little more remote and private.

However, you will also find cottages and apartments with romantic features such as the open log fire to curl up in front of at the end of the day or a four poster bed which always suggests romance. We also have cottages with their own private hot tub - what could be more romantic than that?

If it is out and out luxury you want on your romantic break, then we have many cottages and apartments that are 4 star and 5 star so you know that you be truly pampered.

Luxury on a Budget

A little bit of romance doesn't have to break the bank, as we have lovely romantic breaks that will suit all budgets including our luxury cottages which are often available on a budget short break option.

Not just a Valentines Day treat

Of course, come February everyone focuses on Valentine's Day and the big romantic gesture. And what, could be more romantic than a cottage break or holiday? However, romance should not just be reserved for February and your Valentine, any day can be right for a bit of romance with a loved one, so why not book today.

* Please note prices are for indication only. The 'price starting from' will depend upon length of stay and time of year.